
Clicking on one of the options below will display a PDF file containing a full or partial diagram of a family tree. Most of the individual names shown on the tree have hyperlinks associated with the person’s first name.
Clicking the hyperlink will open up a separate pdf file containing most if not all the information that I hold relating to that individual.

Ancestors of Ronald Keith Edwards
Ancestor Tree- EDWARDS Line
Ancestor Tree- WATKINS Line

Ancestors of Roy Sylvan Houston
Ancestors via Janet HOWIE family line (back to Scotland)
Ancestors via John HOUSTON family line (back to Ireland)
Ancestors via William SEMMENS Line (back to Cornwall, England)

Ancestors of Margaret Rennie Thomson
Ancestors via Cathrine Rennie CRAIG family line (back to Scotland)
Ancestors via William Wallace PARK & Barbara WALLACE (back to Scotland)
Ancestors via Hugh THOMSON family line (back to Scotland)