Jean’s Ancestors

Research into Jean’s ancestry reveals a predominant Scottish influence via each of the Thomson, Park, Wallace and Craig families on her mother’s side, and a mixture of Scottish, Irish and English blood on her father’s side. There does not appear to be any hint of European ancestry present.

The number of Jean’s identified ancestors has turned out to be quite numerous and has presented a significant task and challenge to display it in an easily readable manner. Consequently, a view of her ancestry has had to be broken up into several segments for readability. It is hoped that these will be added to this page within the next few days.

Each of the following six segments of Jean’s ancestral tree are listed below and are provided with hyperlinks to access them. Within each segment of the family tree, most individuals shown on the tree are provided with an individual hyperlink that when clicked opens up a new document containing detailed information about that particular individual.

It is recognized that there are some hyperlinks to individuals on the family tree segments that are not yet active. They will hopefully be made available in the next few weeks (during March 2024).

Meanwhile, enjoy what is available here…

Ancestors on her father’s side, Roy Sylvan Houston
Ancestors via Janet HOWIE family line (back to Scotland)
Ancestors via John HOUSTON family line (back to Ireland)
Ancestors via William SEMMENS Line (back to Cornwall, England)

Ancestors on her mother’s side, Margaret Rennie Thomson
Ancestors via Cathrine Rennie CRAIG family line (back to Scotland)
Ancestors via William Wallace PARK & Barbara WALLACE (back to Scotland)
Ancestors via Hugh THOMSON family line (back to Scotland)

Ancestral Information on WikiTree
WikiTree is a free site where individuals collaborate to achieve only one profile entry for each individual in the various family trees around the world. This is as opposed to sites like where hundreds of different profiles can exist for the same person with resultant differing and conflicting information.

There is no available WikiTree entry for Jean at the moment. This is because she is a living person and information on living persons is quite restricted.
But what is readily available are links to parents and siblings that can be clicked to access those related individuals. For example, here are links to the WikiTree entry for her father, Roy Sylvan Houston and also for her mother Margaret Rennie Thomson. Each of these entries may have links to further related persons such as their parents, siblings and children.

For a brief intro to WikiTree, you can read it here… WikiTree: The Free Family Tree

If you need to sign up for free membership of WikiTree in order to see the WikiTree entries I have described, you can do so here at Create Account (